LineSbelt Orange Substitute Bar · Novadiet · 24 units

LineSbelt Orange Substitute Bar · Novadiet · 24 units

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An improved version of what was already good so you can live up to the demands of your new way of looking at life. Now you can control your weight with Linesbelt bars, which, along with a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, will meet all your expectations.

Replacing one meal a day with a meal replacement on a low-calorie diet helps maintain weight after weight loss.


Coating of dark chocolate [pasta de cacao, azúcar, manteca de cacao, emulgentes (lecitina de soja, polirricinoleato de poliglicerol), aroma], Glucose syrup, Soy protein, Inulin powder (12.2%), Fructose syrup, Milk protein (milk), Yogurt powder (atomized yogurt, milk protein) (milk), Vitamin and mineral complex [gluconato de potasio, fosfato bicálcico (sal cálcica), citrato de potasio, citrato de sodio, carbonato de magnesio, L-ascorbato cálcico, maltodextrina, fumarato ferroso, acetato de D-alfa tocoferilo, nicotinamida, óxido de cinc, retinol, D-pantotenato cálcico, sulfato cúprico, colecalciferol, clorhidrato de piridoxina, riboflavina, sulfato de manganeso, clorhidrato de tiamina, ácido fólico, cianocobalamina, yoduro de potasio, selenito de sodio y D-biotina], moisturizer (sorbitol syrup), sugar, skimmed milk powder, sunflower oil, scent of strawberry, red beet powder.

For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:.

Energy value: 1499 kJ (357 kcal)

Fats: 9,5 g

Of which: Saturated: 4,2 g

Carbohydrates: 39.4 g

Of which: Sugar: 34,1 g

Food fibre: 13,1 g

Protein: 22.8 g

Salt: 1,14 g

For the determination of the concentration of the test substance, the concentration of the test substance shall be calculated as follows:.

Energy value: 525 kJ (125 kcal)

Fats: 3,3 g

Of which: Saturated: 1,5 g

Carbohydrates: 13,8 g

Of which: Sugar: 11,9 g

Food fibre: 4,6 g

Protein: 8 g

Salt: 0.4 g


Vitamin A: 304,5 mcg (38,0% NRN*), Vitamin D: 12,18 mcg (43,5% NRN*), Vitamin E: 4,35 mg (36,3% NRN*), Vitamin C: 19,58 mg (24,4% NRN*), Vitamin B1: 0,48 mg (43,5% NRN*), Vitamin B2: 0,7 mg (49,6% NRN*), Nicotinamide: 7,83 mg (49,0% NRN*), Vitamin B6: 0,65 mg (46,7% NRN*), Folic acid: 87 mcg (43,5% NRN*), Vitamin B12: 0,61 μg 24,4% NRN*), Biotin: 6,53 mcg (13,1% NRN*), Pantothenic acid: 1,31 (21,8% NRN*), Calcium: 304,5% (38,5% NRN*), Potassium: 239,25 mg (34,2% NRN*), Nicotinamide: 0,65 mg (46,7% NRN*), Iron: 6,06 mg (49,6% NRN*), Potassium: 34,25 mg (49,5% NRN*), Zinc: 6,06 mg (46,6% NRN*), Iron: 6,06 mg (49%VRN*), Iodine: 58 mcg (37.7% NVR*), Selenium: 24.07 mcg (43.5% NVR*), Sodium: 250.27 mg, Magnesium: 65.25 mg (17.4% NVR*) and Manganese: 0.44 mg (21.8% NVR*) are also included.

* VRN: Reference values for nutrients.

Adequate fluid intake should be maintained in weight control diets. Meal replacement bars shall be used as part of a low energy diet and must necessarily be supplemented by the consumption of other foods.

* Contains milk and soya and/or derivatives thereof.

* May contain traces of gluten, egg, peanut, nuts, sesame, sulphites and/or their derivatives.


To achieve the claimed effect, one main meal of each day should be replaced by two bars. It is recommended to eat the bars in small bites while drinking plenty of water.

Recommended daily dose: two bars.


Pack size of 24 bars of 35 grams each.


Data sheet

No Gluten

Specific References

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