active art Salus · 30 capsules

active art Salus · 30 capsules

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Arti-Active of Salus is a dietary supplement designed for the care of joints, treats inflammation of these, arthritis and arthrosis.


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Protects the operation of cartilages and bones

Cartilage is a supporting tissue and is formed from collagen. Cartilage is made up of intervertebral disks, rib connections to the stern or discs of the meniscus in the joints. Vitamin C containing the preparation contributes to the formation of collagen for the normal functioning of cartilages and bones and selenium and vitamin E to the protection of cells against oxidative damage. In addition, the formula is completed with EPA and DHA fatty acids that contribute to the normal functioning of the heart as well as New Zealand green labite mussel powder.

The foot canaliculus.

Regular consumption of green labite mussel powder helps normalize the production of synovial fluid, regenerate the cartilage of the joints and, in general, avoids inflammations.
Scientific research has shown that aminoazúcares (glucosamine), also called mucopolisaccharides, can have an extraordinarily positive effect and are an important element of the lube of the joints.
With a very beneficial action in the inflammatory processes of the joints, arthritis, rheumatisms or degenerative processes such as osteoarthritis, it not only helps to soothe the pain but also acts in the regeneration of the damaged cartilages, delaying the evolution of the disease.

Fish oil.

It has been proven that linolenic acid has anti-inflammatory properties in joint diseases. Therefore an omega 3 contribution can be very suitable for reducing inflammation and relieving pain in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. It seems that linolenic acid reduces the levels of prostaglandins that are responsible for many inflammatory processes. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it has been studied how fish oil affects a molecule called tumor necrosis alpha (TNF), which is known to cause inflammation. The study found that fish oil could act as an anti-inflammatory substance by suppressing the body's ability to produce TNF.


Rigid and swollen substances.
Dole in the spine.
Joint problems due to age or wear.


Fish oil with 50% EPA (36 %), green labite mussel powder (moluscos) (18 %), soy oil, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium.

✓ gluten free
/ Pregnancy / Lactancy
✓ No lactose

Employment mode

Adults: take 1 capsule daily in one of the meals with enough liquid. During the first 4 weeks the regular take of 2 capsules is recommended, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Presentation and content form

30 capsules in blíster container

Warnings: Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the daily recommended dose. Keep out of reach of younger children. Keep the container well closed, instead dry and fresh.

The information contained on our website is informative and cannot be considered as a substitute for prescription, diagnosis or medical treatment. The results of the nutritional supplements can vary depending on the person, and the time to obtain the benefits indicated will depend on each case.


Data sheet

No Gluten
Without Lactose

Specific References

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