Euvenas · Vit & Min 36 · Mgdose · 30 comp.

Euvenas · Vit & Min 36 · Mgdose · 30 comp.

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MGDose Euvenas is a food supplement designed for people with circulation problems, leg pain, ankle swelling, heavy legsetc.


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Useful in the following casesThe

Vain problems, such as ankle swelling and lower limbs.
Hair Fragility.
As a supporter in poor circulation processes.
Prevention of tired, heavy, pained legs problems, etc.

Properties of active principles:

Ruscus: Traditionally used in fluid removal and swelling problems, and studied in circulatory insufficiency problems in general.
Hesperidine: Hesperidine is found in abundance in citrus fruits, and has been used in inflammation problems, having also been used for certain tranquilizing properties.
Bromelain: Bromelain is found in pineapple juice and is used to favor fluid removal and help reduce swelling of the lower limbs. While most enzymes are broken down into the digestive tract, it seems that those found in bromelain are completely absorbed to a certain degree. It is reasonable to suppose with this finding that bromelain can actually produce systemic effects (all over the body).
Vitamin C: Vitamin C and bioflavonoids are usually presented together in nature. Bioflavonoids are especially important for the good condition of blood vessels since they support the integrity of collagen. They have antioxidant properties quite similar to those of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid helps the development of teeth, gums, bones, cartilages, the absorption of iron, the growth and repair of normal connective tissue (softer skin, by the union of cells that need this vitamin to join) and the production of collagen.

Composition by compressedThe

30 mg of ruscogenins.
80 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
75 mg of citrus bioflavonoids.
75 mg of hesperidine.
150 mg of bromelain.

Employment modeThe

Take 1 tablet a day.


30 tablet pot.

Warnings: Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the daily recommended dose. Keep out of reach of younger children. Keep the container well closed, instead dry and fresh.

The information contained on our website is informative and cannot be considered as a substitute for prescription, diagnosis or medical treatment. The results of the nutritional supplements can vary depending on the person, and the time to obtain the benefits indicated will depend on each case.


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