The 30th Propole XXI Soria Natural · 30 capsules

The 30th Propole XXI Soria Natural · 30 capsules

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30-S XXI Propellero Soria Natural is a nutritional supplement effect anti-inflammatory and enhancer defences.


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The propoleum is the generic name of a resinous substance collected by the bees of the resins and secretions that cover the buds of the buds of the pops of the poplar, birch, oak, wild chestnut and other trees, especially conifers, which are located in the vicinity of the place where the hive is located. The word propolis derives from the Greek: pro- (for or in defense), and polys- (the city); that is, defense of the city (colmenade in this case). Bees use it as building material, to protect the hive, and as a means of conservation of an antimicrobial character, to protect the hive against bacteria and viruses. Bees come to embalze the bodies of mice and butterflies that may have entered the hive, thus preventing their putrefaction. It's his material to keep the aseptic hive.

Its transformation by bees is not accurately known, although it is admitted that it is due to the incorporation of salivary enzymes and elements of pollen digestion.

It is a dark or brown yellow substance that easily breaks down in cold, malleable from 21o C and melts to 66oC. When melting, a pleasant aromatic odor appears.

Useful in the following casesThe

Infections: respiratory, genito-urinarias, digestive, otorhinolaryngological. Both in the acute and preventive phase.
Dermatological conditions, both internally and topically, to promote healing.
Oral conditions: aftas, stomatitis, gingivitis, piorrea, etc.
Eye conditions: conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
As a stimulant of defenses, preventive of fodder, flu and repeat infections.
Circulatory conditions: capillary fragility, arteriosclerosis.
Digestive conditions: gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, diarrhea, intestinal diverticulosis, hepatobiliary dyskinesia etc.
Genitourinary conditions: vaginitis by candidas, tricomas, prostatic disorders.

Composition by capsuleThe

Liophilized extract of propoleum; stabilizer: cellulose microcrystalline, alpha-cyclodextrine, coating agent: neutral copolymer.

Employment modeThe

Take 1 capsule every 12 hours.


Pack 30 capsules.

Warnings: Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the daily recommended dose. Keep out of reach of younger children. Keep the container well closed, instead dry and fresh.

The information contained on our website is informative and cannot be considered as a substitute for prescription, diagnosis or medical treatment. The results of the nutritional supplements can vary depending on the person, and the time to obtain the benefits indicated will depend on each case.


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