Immunity Grip Derbos 15 sticks

Immunity Grip Derbos 15 sticks

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Imunit Grip Derbos is a food supplement that contributes to the normal functioning of immune systemespecially during the effects of aggression microbiological.


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ImunitGrip is a dietary supplement with a 100% natural base of low-glucemic fruits with plant extract and vitamin C that contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system in cases of flu or foul, acting directly on the microbiological agents originating from the alterations in our organism.

Highlights in the formulation the use of 100% natural syrup, fresh fruit syrup, obtained from fresh fruits without chemical or enzyme processes. Its uitilization has 2 advantages: the first is that its carbohydrate composition has been certified by the University of Oxfird with a Glucemic Index (IG) of 40.6 which allows it to be classified as Glucemic Low Indice Feed (BIG), and the second that makes the syrup components completely bioavailable. This results in a low glucñemic psotprandial impact in the body, maintaining more stable levels of glucose and thus allowing a more balanced organic reaction and total absorption of products with physiological action. Therefore it is toltically natural and healthy, perfectly tolerated by diabetics and celiacs.

Imunit Grip incorporates fluid extract from Flor de Jara. The jar is a species that spread throughout the Mediterranean basin. Under the name of a syrup, more than 20 different species are included, including numerous subspecies. Its use as a traditional remedy dates back to over 2,000 years. Discorides already described this genre in his free "De materia medicae".

Its composition highlights its high polyphenol content, at least 4%. These are the resposable effects such as antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiviral, immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic and gatroprotctor described in several monographs.

Focusing on its potential as an antiviral, the Jara Flower acts by preventing the virus from developing, allowing the immune system to attack it more effectively, as it reduces the number of viruses in our organism by not letting it reproduce.

Composition per recommended daily dose (3 sticks)The

9 grams of fresh fruit syrup.
3,000 mg of jara flower extract (120 mg polyphenols).
300 mg of willow.
300 mg of spiraea.
80 mg of vitmaine C.

Employment modeThe

Take 3 sticks daily before the main meals.


Pack 15 sticks.

Warnings: Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the daily recommended dose. Keep out of reach of younger children. Keep the container well closed, instead dry and fresh.

The information contained on our website is informative and cannot be considered as a substitute for prescription, diagnosis or medical treatment. The results of the nutritional supplements can vary depending on the person, and the time to obtain the benefits indicated will depend on each case.


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