by BIO Sedan Derbos · 50 ml

by BIO Sedan Derbos · 50 ml

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BIO Sedan Derbos is a nutritional supplement indicated to favor relaxation and dream.


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BIO Sedan, is a biological product, from the cultivation of traditional plants through the techniques of organic farming and produced in a also certified center, in order to bring to the consumer the unaltered extracts of nature without additives or chemicals, thus avoiding aggressions to our organism.

In order to guarantee the purity of extracts as well as to quantify their physiological activity, extracts are quantitatively valued in their active principles by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). In this way, we can certify the Guaranteed Efficient Sport (AMEG). This contribution has been established according to the reference values of the Spanish Royal Pharmacopea 3rd Edition and the European Pharmacopea.

In BIO Sedan, 2 active principles are analyzed independently to certify the quality of the product: the Hesperidine to quantify the quality of the Azahar Flower and the Rutina, characteristic of the Tila. The Tila (Tilia platephyllia), is a large grey bark tree and cordiform leaves on the base abruptly acuminated. The flowers are pentameras and give off a pleasant perfume, clustering on tops of 2 to 7 flowers. Tile inflorescences are rich in phenolic compounds, among which are Flavonoids, whose concentration is at least 1%, and among which we highlight Tilirósido and Quercitrosido. Inflorescences are widely used for the preparation of well-being products, as they have spasmolytic and slightly sedative activity. Hence, they are traditionally used for symptomatic treatment of neurotonic states of adults and children, as well as minor sleep disorders.

Avena (Avena sativa) is being cultivated in Centroeuropa, although it started being a secondary variety relegated to another cereal crop. It is popularly appreciated for its sedative properties, aiding in hypertension, remineralizing, diuretic and tonic, so it is used in cases of insomnia, anxiety, convalescence, depression and astenia.

The Azhar Flower (Citrus aurantium) is collected from different species of the genus cultivated throughout the Mediterranean. The flowers are white or slightly yellowish, with a cupuliform chalice, with five thick petals and 20 troop stamens at the base by filaments. Because of its essential oil content, they spread a very pleasant characteristic smell, but it also highlights its high content in Flavonoides, such as Naringina, which are used for validation. The flowers present a sedative, slightly hypnotic and sedative action. Of wide diffusion, they are used popularly for the treatment of sleep disturbances, stress states and other neurotonic alterations, as well as spasmolytic.

Composition by take:

35% organic extract glycerinated from tila.
35% organic extract glycerinated oats.
30% of azahar flower glycerind biological extract.
5 mg herperidine.
4 mg routine.

Employment mode:

AdultsTheTake 25 drops of 1 to 3 times a day before meals, diluted in a glass of water, juice or infusion.

Children 7 to 12 years: Take 10 drops of 1 to 3 times a day before meals, diluted in a glass of water, juice or infusion.


50 ml bottle.

Warnings: Food supplements should not be used as substitutes for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the daily recommended dose. Keep out of reach of younger children. Keep the container well closed, instead dry and fresh.

The information contained on our website is informative and cannot be considered as a substitute for prescription, diagnosis or medical treatment. The results of the nutritional supplements can vary depending on the person, and the time to obtain the benefits indicated will depend on each case.


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